Devtober - Post-Mortum

Okay. Time to write a story. A story about how simple ambitions can become too grand, and how the ever-tiring goal of reaching the finish becomes a continuous slog through mental anguish and fatigue.

Alright. Let’s step back. It’s 2020, I’m an average american blok, and I’m working at a grocery store. tldr… it was a nightmare, and it taught me how to understand different diseases. In my spare time, I joined the Extra-Credit game jam, remembered their episode about John Snow, then started mapping a game idea:

A procedurally generated city that simulates the spread of cholera.

Okay. Cool. Long-story-short: I didn’t finish the game in time, and more frustratingly, I had some idea of a prototype, but I wanted to stick with the game jam theme, and more importantly— I wanted to keep the “story” elements in tact. You can play the og game in classic mode—

I kept working on the project for the next couple of weeks, but I grew tired of it. I figured I had finished 80% of the game, and I moved on to other projects and life-stuff. Anyway for Devtober I wanted to have the game at a ‘finished’ state. Which is to say, I want to be done with the game, and look back on it as something to be played and enjoyed :)

Anywayz. I got distracted and kinda forget to come back to this. Ummm…. (i really don’t know if anyone is reading this…)

The game isn’t “finished,” I could work on balance, polish, better graphics, better wong tile logic, better code, but the game is in a state where I can come back and enjoy it for what it is.

It really ended up just being Carmen Sandiego meets Minesweeper. Nothing groundbreaking, but it was my original intention. I spent way more time than I intended.

The code and more explanation for the game logic are on GitHub for all to see. Enjoy.

Files 10 MB
Nov 04, 2021

Get Cholera Contagion

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